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tags cloud
news > tags > microsoft
- Biggest Threat to Microsoft - Google or Open Source?
- 1 in 3 Windows PCs vulnerable to worm attack
- What killed Vista will make Windows 7 fly
- Canonical and Microsoft: Is Sustaining a Business Better than Turning a Profit Right Now?
- Microsoft donates code to Apache Stonehenge project
- Being Anti-Linux is bad for your business health
- Ballmer`s e-mail to employees regarding layoffs
- Microsoft: H-1B workers among those losing jobs
- Windows 7 to Ship in Multiple Versions?
- Google Gobbled Up 90 Percent Of All U.S. Search Growth In 2008
- Microsoft adds fancy search option for Firefox
- Canonical`s $30 Million and Redmond`s Gathering Storm
- Remaking Microsoft: Get Out Of Web Search
- Windows 7 Lineup Offers Clear Choice for Consumers and Businesses
- Tech Industry Leaders Join to Develop Guidelines for White Spaces Database
- Microsoft Launches Office Communications Server 2007 Release 2
- Vmware boss gets a taste of his own MS medicine
- Microsoft Reveals New Windows® Phones With Marketplace and My Phone Services
- Microsoft Offers New Services for Mobile Devices
- Google Mobile App now available on Windows Mobile
- Ballmer: Linux Bigger Competitor than Apple
- Open source vs. Microsoft: Automotive battlefield
- 10 ways Microsoft could help Linux
- Sun and Microsoft make cases to Linux developers
- Has Microsoft lost its war on open source?
- Microsoft`s new search - Built on open-source
- Better ODF support in Microsoft Office via Sun`s ODF Plugin
- Novell to ship Linux-monitoring tool for Microsoft
- Is Xandros a Linux distro, a marketing machine or a Microsoft stooge?
- Ballmer recants `new Xbox in 2010` quote
- Boxee comes to Windows, brings MLB along for the ride
- Nortel`s liquidation could cripple UC relationship with Microsoft
- Windows 7 pre-orders grab Amazon`s top sales spots
- Raw deal for UK and Europe over Win 7 pricing
- Microsoft Readies Channel Partner Overhaul
- Microsoft Office 2010 -- Don`t Count Microsoft Out Just Yet
- Microsoft is Launching a Music Streaming Service This Month
- Microsoft Azure goes online: priced to compete with Amazon EC2
- Microsoft Reveals Windows Azure Pricing, SLA Details
- Microsoft delivers 9 patches, but leaves one hole open
- Bill Gates: Natal for Windows coming to an office near you
- Windows Home Server Power Pack 3 beta adds Windows 7 conveniences
- Microsoft to rush out IE patch
- Microsoft and Yahoo! search deal announced
- Microsoft releases `out-of-band` patches for IE
- Microsoft looks to shake up mobile division
- Yahoo`s get-out clause in Microsoft deal
- Microsoft hobbles netbooks with Windows 7 licensing
- Microsoft doubles charitable contribution for IE upgraders
- PCs running Windows 7 to be given turbo boost
- Microsoft And Yahoo Search No Longer Irrelevant!
- Linux chief calls out Microsoft developers
- IBM Symphony set to rival Microsoft Office
- Microsoft updates Vista, but not XP
- Microsoft to end Windows Server 2000 support
- Microsoft Internet Explorer SSL security hole lingers
- Google plug-in turns Microsoft IE into Chrome
- Microsoft tablet PC leaked
- Microsoft blasts Google over Chrome Frame plug-in
- Sony, Microsoft show progress in motion gaming
- Windows 7 to ship early from custom PC makers
- Microsoft battles class-action over WGA antipiracy technology
- MS Pushes for Business Customers to Use `Windows Phone`
- A Windows to Help You Forget
- Microsoft issues first Windows 7 patches
- SharePoint 2010 features Groove client
- Microsoft retrieves lost Sidekick contacts
- Apple unveils new iMacs on eve of Windows 7 launch
- Microsoft online store now featuring third party hardware and software
- Why I'm Dumping Vista For Windows 7
- Microsoft beats expectations
- Tech Stocks Explode Higher After Microsoft And Amazon Earnings
- Windows 7 upgrade paralyzes some PCs with endless reboots
- Windows Mobile worries mount as competition heats up
- Microsoft: Worms are most prevalent security problem
- Mac Market Share Hits All-Time High Following Windows 7 Launch
- Windows 7`s share jumps 40% in first week of release
- HP says some Windows 7 printer drivers are coming
- Windows 7: Microsoft`s Multimedia-Friendly OS
- Microsoft Gives Up Windows Mobile Licensing Rights to BSquare
- Microsoft buys bridge between Java and .Net developers
- In Depth: 20 essential free apps for your new Windows 7 PC
- Microsoft Admits, Then Denies, Copying Mac OS X
- Microsoft told to stop some Windows sales in China
- Microsoft to align BizTalk Server with Azure`s AppFabric
- Microsoft To Open C#, VB.Net Compilers
- Ruby shining on Java, Windows, and Mac OS
- Microsoft To Pay Content Providers to `De-index` from Google
- Microsoft technology reduces network redundancy
- Microsoft on Silverlight vs. Standards
- Latest Microsoft patches cause black screen of death
- Google Counters Microsoft
- Group wants Microsoft`s browser ballot to go global
- Cisco, Microsoft certifications increase high-tech salaries
- Bing Gains Again -- Should Google Worry?
- Microsoft ending support for Itanium