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tags cloud
news > IT Vendors/Companies > Microsoft
- Ballmer recants `new Xbox in 2010` quote
- Ballmer`s e-mail to employees regarding layoffs
- Biggest Threat to Microsoft - Google or Open Source?
- Bill Gates: Natal for Windows coming to an office near you
- Canonical and Microsoft: Is Sustaining a Business Better than Turning a Profit Right Now?
- Group wants Microsoft`s browser ballot to go global
- Has Microsoft lost its war on open source?
- Latest Microsoft patches cause black screen of death
- Microsoft battles class-action over WGA antipiracy technology
- Microsoft beats expectations
- Microsoft blasts Google over Chrome Frame plug-in
- Microsoft buys bridge between Java and .Net developers
- Microsoft delivers 9 patches, but leaves one hole open
- Microsoft donates code to Apache Stonehenge project
- Microsoft doubles charitable contribution for IE upgraders
- Microsoft ending support for Itanium
- Microsoft hobbles netbooks with Windows 7 licensing
- Microsoft is Launching a Music Streaming Service This Month
- Microsoft issues first Windows 7 patches
- Microsoft Launches Office Communications Server 2007 Release 2
- Microsoft looks to shake up mobile division
- Microsoft Offers New Services for Mobile Devices
- Microsoft on Silverlight vs. Standards
- Microsoft online store now featuring third party hardware and software
- Microsoft Readies Channel Partner Overhaul
- Microsoft retrieves lost Sidekick contacts
- Microsoft Reveals New Windows® Phones With Marketplace and My Phone Services
- Microsoft tablet PC leaked
- Microsoft technology reduces network redundancy
- Microsoft to align BizTalk Server with Azure`s AppFabric
- Microsoft to end Windows Server 2000 support
- Microsoft To Open C#, VB.Net Compilers
- Microsoft To Pay Content Providers to `De-index` from Google
- Microsoft told to stop some Windows sales in China
- Microsoft: H-1B workers among those losing jobs
- Open source vs. Microsoft: Automotive battlefield
- Remaking Microsoft: Get Out Of Web Search
- Sun and Microsoft make cases to Linux developers
- Vmware boss gets a taste of his own MS medicine
- Windows 7: Microsoft`s Multimedia-Friendly OS
- Your Rights Online: IBM Teri-is-a-Girl-and-Terry-is-a-Boy Patent