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tags cloud
news > tags > database
- MySQL Query Analyzer review
- Tech Industry Leaders Join to Develop Guidelines for White Spaces Database
- TeamPostgreSQL web-based (AJAX) administration released!
- PostgreSQL 2009-02-06 Update Releases Available Now
- Exception Error Handling Implementation in MySQL/VB.NET Windows Database Applications
- DB Solo 3.7 Enhances PostgreSQL Support
- Firebird 2.0.5 is added to Debian Experimental
- Firebird 2.1.2 on Mips 64
- ANN: InterXpress for Firebird v2.1.0 released
- fbsql: Clean client-libraries for Firebird and Interbase databases
- Configure Squirrel to connect to Firebird Database
- Firebird is 3rd most popular open source database
- Debian moved Firebird2.1 from experimental to sid (unstable)
- PostgreSQL Maestro 9.2 released
- Bad/Good news for Ibo community
- Why I find MySQL to be so bad
- Club Management Database for OpenOffice.org
- Aggregate tables with Firebird
- Running Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on the IBM System x3950 M2
- Migrating databases with DBUnit
- A Quick Look at MySQL 5.4
- Sinática Monitor 2.0 for Firebird SQL
- PostgreSQL.org Website Design Contest
- Database Systems for Advanced Applications
- FirebirdClient 2.5 Final released
- Firebird Maestro 9.5 released
- Firebird: Deal with Unavailable Database
- Fedora 11 with Firebird included in repository
- Oracle Crowned `Software Vendor of the Year`
- DNA database revision still breaks law, says watchdog
- Sell MySQL to save Sun deal, Monty Widenius urges Oracle