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tags cloud
news > tags > ibm
- Your Rights Online: IBM Teri-is-a-Girl-and-Terry-is-a-Boy Patent
- Cisco plans big push into server market
- IBM System Storage DS8000 Architecture and Implementation
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options for DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- Case Study: SOA Banking Business Pattern
- IBM Tops in Server Hardware in 2008
- Implementing an IBM/Cisco SAN
- Using IBM DB2 for i as a Storage Engine of MySQL
- Oracle Delivers World Record Java Virtual Machine Performance for an x86-Based System on Linux
- IBM and Sun: Good for Unix and Linux, Bad for HP?
- Running Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on the IBM System x3950 M2
- How IBM builds up its store of Linux knowledge
- Dell, Google make things tougher for Sun
- The State of PHP on the Power Systems i
- IBM: Linux desktops bucking the recession
- Deploy Linux desktops for non-technical users, says study
- IBM to build database of UK fingerprints for passport service
- Asus wins patent battle with IBM
- Google has Lotus Notes in its sights
- IBM makes LinkedIn and TripIt Notes friendly
- DAC: ARM, Synopsys, IBM bring mobile SOC designs to alliance
- IBM to challenge SAS, SAP and Oracle with SPSS acquisition
- IBM Symphony set to rival Microsoft Office
- Bringing Cloud Metrics Down to Earth
- IBM Builds`Bar Code Reader` for DNA
- IBM mainframe in antitrust probe by Department of Justice
- IBM adds Voltaire`s 10G Ethernet switch into data centre line
- IBM Introduces New Linux Servers for the System z Mainframe
- IBM `shows true colours` against open source Hercules mainframe emulator