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Tags > firebird
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Tags > News > firebird
- Firebird 2.0.5 is added to Debian Experimental
- FLAP ( Firebird+Linux+Apache+PHPerl) is rather an operating platform than an application
- Firebird 2.1.2 on Mips 64
- Top 4 Free Embedded Databases
- fireruby - howto start with firebird and ruby on ubuntu
- ANN: InterXpress for Firebird v2.1.0 released
- fbsql: Clean client-libraries for Firebird and Interbase databases
- Firebird included in FunToo Linux Distro
- Configure Squirrel to connect to Firebird Database
- Firebird is 3rd most popular open source database
- Debian moved Firebird2.1 from experimental to sid (unstable)
- The database driven RAD tool for PHP & Firebird
- DBRE (DataBase REplicator) 0.19.1 - asynchronous replication DB
- Bad/Good news for Ibo community
- IBUtils goes OPEN SOURCE
- Avoid deadlocks in Firebird for concurrent updates
- New versions of IBSurgeon tools
- Replacing Lamp with FUN + Profit
- Populating a DataGridView From a Database Query
- Aggregate tables with Firebird
- Firebird php pdo driver install guide on Ubuntu
- Sun, Oracle, and MySQL
- Sinática Monitor 2.0 for Firebird SQL
- DbBench Released
- Firebird included in Fedora Linux
- FirebirdClient 2.5 Final released
- Firebird Maestro 9.5 released
- Firebird Python PowerConsole Released for Testing
- Firebird: Deal with Unavailable Database
- Fedora 11 with Firebird included in repository