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opensource-db-tools - A set of open source tools for MySQL
You need to install and run the Gearman job server first. Instructions to install gearman on Debian Linux can be found here. Or, if you want to install Gearman on another platform, please check out Gearman's website for installation instructions.
Then, you need to download the source files or executables (if available for your platform). opensource-db-tools consists of two separate scripts for each tool ie. a worker and a client. All clients and workers are completely written in Python 2.7 (so far).
A client script submits jobs to Gearman job server (on behalf of users) for worker(s) to work on it. The all-schemas script depends on the following external modules (more will be added later):
- MySQLdb
- gearman
- daemon (http://www.clapper.org/software/python/daemon/)
You can run as many workers (but be careful) as you want to achieve faster response times through Gearman’s multiprocessing capability.
The project currently resides on Google code and the URL is http://code.google.com/p/opensource-db-tools/.
There are no executables available right now but you can download the source files and run them using Python. Click here to see the source files for all-schemas tool that is the first one in the project.
If you happen to find any bugs in the project, please feel free to create an issue in the issue tracker here.
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IMPORTANT: You must thoroughy test any instructions on a production-like test environment first before trying anything on production systems. And, make sure it is tested for security, privacy, and safety. See our terms here.
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Comments (write a comment):
nice article Posted by: Shahryar on Nov 15, 2010