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- Apache Portable Runtime Utility
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Tags > linux
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Tags > News > linux
- Starting Apache Web Server at every Reboot (for Ubuntu / Debian Linux)
- Embedded Linux On a Digital Stethoscope
- Linux: Long Live Closed-Source Software?
- Fedora 8 A Serious Threat to Ubuntu
- Biggest Threat to Microsoft - Google or Open Source?
- The new openSUSE community-elected board speaks
- The Secret Lives of Ubuntu and Debian Users
- Ubuntu Faster on My Internet Than Windows XP
- Mobile device syncing in Linux made easy
- Building desktop Linux applications with JavaScript
- Move over GNOME, Ubuntu Mobile looks at Qt, other desktop environments
- Being Anti-Linux is bad for your business health
- Red Hat set to surpass Sun in market capitalization
- Ubuntu releases new version
- Linux Elitism: Fact or Fiction?
- Hands on: testing the KDE 4.2 release candidate on Windows
- Suse Studio: Linux customization for the masses
- Canonical`s $30 Million and Redmond`s Gathering Storm
- OpenChange, KDE brings Exchange compatibility to Linux
- Unofficial Fedora FAQ Update: 2009-01-30
- Announcing K12Linux F10 Live Server
- Fedora Project: Package update guidelines
- Debian Project seeks Hardware Donations
- The Linux Reference Platform VM and VirtualBox
- Desktop Linux Virtualization Options
- 2009-02-12 - Fedora Test Day - iSCSI
- Firebird 2.0.5 is added to Debian Experimental
- Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 released
- ArchLinux 2009.02 Released
- FOSDEM openSUSE.org Devroom Recordings
- Patent defense, FOSS-style
- Fedora 11 Mass Rebuild
- FLAP ( Firebird+Linux+Apache+PHPerl) is rather an operating platform than an application
- OpenSSH 5.2 released
- KDE 4.2 on Gentoo
- Fedora needs your help
- Ballmer: Linux Bigger Competitor than Apple
- Firebird included in FunToo Linux Distro
- You can help get Gentoo into the Summer of Code
- Installing Ubuntu inside Windows XP using VirtualBox
- openSUSE Trademark Guidelines Released
- Gentoo: Yearly Releases - help or hurt Gentoo?
- Debian moved Firebird2.1 from experimental to sid (unstable)
- The Reality of Using Linux Every Day
- Qt-4.5.0 on Gentoo portage tree
- openSUSE: Gearing Up for Google Summer of Code
- Embedded Linux on the Grow
- Sneak Preview of Adobe Reader 9.x on Linux and Solaris x86
- Ubuntu 9.10 sees the cloud above the trees
- Fedora Classroom March 2009 IRC logs available now
- FreeNX future
- Open source server appliances ship
- First Look: Zenwalk Linux 6.0
- Downtime for download.opensuse.org
- TurnKey Linux Delivers Open Source Appliances
- Fedora 11 Blocker Review Day
- Firefox for MIPS N32 ABI
- Update on openSUSE Infrastructure Services (download.opensuse.org)
- A Linux-Powered Cisco Server with VMware?
- Android leads Linux mobile sales higher
- Gentoo live ebuild for Mercurial
- SUSE in LPAR on as400 Featuring openSIS
- PCLinuxOS 2009.1 released
- Debian: Skolelinux for Schools in Rhineland-Palatinate
- Tomahawk Desktop Switches to BSD from Linux
- The GNU/Linux Desktop: Nine Myths
- Installing Debian Web-server with Apache, PHP, and MySQL on virtual machine
- Kodak releases scanning application for Linux
- Do Hard Times Make Linux A Smarter OS Choice?
- Gentoo: MySQL build system
- How To: Install VirtualBox on Fedora 10
- IBM and Sun: Good for Unix and Linux, Bad for HP?
- Does SUSE Linux Server Have a Future?
- Ten obscure Linux applications you need to try
- The Linux Staging Tree, what it is and is not
- GNOME to migrate to git
- Introducing Redis: a fast key-value database
- Will Microsoft Abandon Windows to Compete with Linux?
- Benchmark Paludis 0.38 and Portage
- Configuring VirtualBox on a remote server
- Virtual machine, real problems
- Are Linux apps and games worth paying for?
- Worm targets Linux home routers
- Gentoo: Tips to upgrade your really old installation
- Installing VirtualBox 2 On A Debian Lenny Desktop
- Ubuntu 9.04 Beta Available for download
- Ten ways to smooth the switch to Linux
- Qt 4.5 license changing to LGPL
- Novell Desktop Linux: Solid, But Lacks Features
- The key to Linux's mainstream success
- Report on Fedora August 2008 Intrusion
- Announcing Fedora 11 Beta
- Planning for GNOME 3.0
- Linux adoption grows
- Testing SMTP servers with SWAKS
- 10 ways Microsoft could help Linux
- How IBM builds up its store of Linux knowledge
- Vista running in a VirtualBox on Debian Sid
- Fedora: Re-issued isos for Beta
- Cost Replacing Functionality as Linux`s Appeal
- Linux Desktop Hardware Myths Explored
- Grand ambitions for Linux
- Another Look At Linux Netbook Return Statistics
- Sun and Microsoft make cases to Linux developers
- Portable Ubuntu: The Easy New Way To Try Linux
- Fedora 11 Snapshot 1
- Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 updated
- Linux desktop Virtualbox and Ubuntu running under Mandriva
- Application Binary Interface
- Can Linux win netbooks back?
- Firebird php pdo driver install guide on Ubuntu
- Red Hat maps the open sauce world
- NetBSD 5.0 released
- 64-bit vs. i386 and Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu CDs
- Ext4 in Fedora 11
- Linux breaks through one percent web share
- Fedora User Guide - Sharing Your Desktop
- Fedora Minimal Platform Feature
- Jaunty under Android
- How To Avoid Linux Migration Pitfalls
- Firebird included in Fedora Linux
- gOS on VirtualBox
- 10 reasons why Linux will oust Windows
- Fedora 11: 20 Second Startup Feature
- Gentoo: USB hard drives with SMART
- Remote install of Debian overtop of RedHat
- RedNotebook: lightweight journal for desktop
- Fedore 11: GFS2 Stable
- Fedora 11: TigerVNC
- GNU/Linux: rubbery figures don`t help the cause
- Fedora 11: OpenChange (MS Exchange alternative)
- In depth Linode (VPS) review
- Suggest a name for Fedora 12
- Policy for Handling Flags in Fedora
- Desktop Linux For The Windows Power User
- IBM: Linux desktops bucking the recession
- Even Linux-loving firms only deploy it to one-fifth of employees
- Running Fedora 10 on MacBook Pro
- Alleged Nokia Linux smartphone plans exposed by leak
- Deploy Linux desktops for non-technical users, says study
- Report Recommends How to Switch to Linux
- Linux Desktop Stats: Wrong Question, Wrong Answers
- Windows server has Linux in crosshairs
- Debian Archive Signing Key to be changed
- Ubuntu: Canonical support
- The Ubuntu Virtual Machine: For An Internet Safety Layer (Part I)
- First look: Intel`s Moblin 2.0 Linux desktop for netbooks
- Four Linux Apps Worth Downloading
- Do we need our own Linux?
- Has ASUS all but given up on Linux?
- Linux Mint 7 released
- ASUS Linux insult will be Intel and Dell`s gain
- Q&A: Revamped Linux for Netbooks
- How to install Virtualbox Guest Additions for a Linux Guest?
- 915resolution with built-in uvesafb
- Automate EC2 Instance Setup with user-data Scripts
- Canonical announces support for Moblin v2
- Sandisk collaborates to improve SSDs on Ubuntu netbooks
- Fedora 11 RC3 Install Test Results
- Ubuntu: Getting Started with Firewall Builder
- Linux Driver Project as of June 2009
- Keeping File Ownership (UIDs) Consistent when Using EBS on EC2
- It`s COOL-ER with Linux
- 6 best orthodox file managers for Linux
- A realistic exploration of the Desktop Linux opportunity
- Announcing Fedora 11
- The JRuby `Hello World` example
- Fedora 11 with Firebird included in repository
- xPUD 0.9 - A Better Desktop For Your Computer
- Streamlined support tricks
- Breaking API for python-decorator in Fedora 11
- Novell to ship Linux-monitoring tool for Microsoft
- Is Xandros a Linux distro, a marketing machine or a Microsoft stooge?
- Announcing LXDE Fedora Remix 11
- Fedora 9 End Of Life (EOL)
- Red Hat profits buck recession
- Group pitches Linux for free netbooks from mobile carriers
- Peek issues call for developers, yearns to build Linux-infused model
- DAC: Mentor unveils Android, Linux strategy at DAC
- Red Hat reveals top five Linux applications of 2009
- Linux chief calls out Microsoft developers
- Linux kernel updated, adds more device drivers
- $38 Zipit Wireless Messenger receives Linux injection, becomes $38 netbook
- Fedora 12 Released
- IBM Introduces New Linux Servers for the System z Mainframe
- Selecting an Open Source Operating System
- Testing
- Debian 6.0 Squeeze to be released with completely free Linux Kernel
- Common user interface mistakes in KDE applications, part 2: Dialog layouts
- Linux Mint vs Pinguy OS Review
- Kick off for GNOME:Ayatana Project
Tags > Tutorials > linux
- Starting Apache Web Server at every Reboot (for Ubuntu / Debian Linux)
- Installing OpenSSL on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing MySQL Client tools, binaries, and library on Ubuntu Linux
- Working with BASH environment variables (simple commands for beginners)
- Installing Berkeley Yet Another Compiler Compiler (byacc) on Ubuntu Linux
- How to download and install Bison (GNU Parser Generator) on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing m4 Macro Processor on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing Libpng on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing MS SQL Server Client Library on Linux/Unix
- Installing Oracle Berkeley DB on Ubuntu Linux
- Debian Linux Installation and Hardening (3.1r0a)
- Configuring Ubuntu Linux After Installation
- Installing Flex (The fast lexical analyzer) on Ubuntu Linux
- Turning the system beep off (for BASH)
- How to find out if a particular process is running or not (for Linux/Unix)?
- How to check Linux version number?
- Some Tricks used by the Linux kernel
- Linux kernel data structures (Part 1) - the current macro
- My list of important Linux commands
- Installing Gearman application framework on Debian Linux
- Installing Gearman shared PECL extension for PHP on Debian/Ubuntu Linux
- Generating prime nos in PHP using multiprocessing - Geaman with PHP client Part I
- How to install MySQL Gearman UDF on Ubuntu/Debian Linux
- How to install libevent on Debian/Ubuntu/Centos Linux?
- How to download, compile, and install Python on Ubuntu/Debian/ CentOS Linux
- How to download and install MySQLdb module for Python on Linux?
- How to install Python Gearman client module?
- How to download, compile, and install GNU ncurses on Debian/Ubuntu Linux?
- Install MySQL Server 5.0 and 5.1 from source code
- How to download, compile, and install CMake on Linux
- Download, configure, compile, and install MySQL 5.6
- How to setup Spamassasin to run as a deamon?
- How to setup quick, passwordless login using SSH?
- Removing lines with strings from text files on Linux/Mac OS X
- How to compile and install Varnish-cache on Linux
- setfacl: command not found
- Script to transfer files to remote server with verification
- Bash script to compare remote directory's files using file size